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Forge a path to your future with 弗吉尼亚理工大学’s outstanding, world-leading colleges. Learn more about what each college can offer you.

农业与生命科学学院 students


Adapting to society’s expectations and needs, the 农业与生命科学学院 focuses resources on improving 人类 health and nutrition, sustaining agriculture and the environment, 减少对化石燃料的依赖, and developing cures for devastating diseases.

Areas of study in the 农业与生命科学学院 include environmental science, 农业综合企业, 动物和家禽科学, 生物化学, 乳品科学, 园艺, 人类营养, 食物, 和锻炼.



Whether you want to design buildings or design culture, the 建筑、艺术和设计学院 has a 首页 for you.

与建筑学院合作, 视觉艺术学院, 表演艺术学院, 和设计学院, the 建筑、艺术和设计学院 paves the way as a global leader in these fields.

学生 present during an entrepreneurship challenge


潘普林商学院 emphasizes technology and analysis to improve business worldwide, with entrepreneurship that leads to innovation, 国际学习机会, 和协作, 世界级的社区.

Offering undergraduate and graduate programs in accounting and information systems, 商业信息技术, 经济学, 金融, 酒店及旅游管理, 管理, 和市场营销, Pamplin develops the business leaders of the future.



工程学院 pushes the boundaries beyond classroom knowledge, 动手实践, multidisciplinary approach to prepare engineering students to be highly recruitable problem-solvers and leaders.

的 college supplies more than half of engineers to Virginia’s workforce and stands on the forefront of innovation, 在颠覆性技术领域工作, 包括自主系统和机器人, 网络安全, 数据分析, 涡轮机械和诊断, 以及无线通信和安全.

With 14 undergraduate degrees and 16 doctoral and 19 master’s programs, 全部在17个研究领域, the 工程学院 is training tomorrow’s leaders in the field.

College of Liberal 艺术 and Human Sciences student

College of Liberal 艺术 and Human Sciences

找到你的位置 College of Liberal 艺术 and Human Sciences: committed to challenging and provoking critical thinking; encouraging creative, world-changing ideas; and developing students who thrive in our dynamic global society.

你是否对教育感兴趣, 表演艺术, 现代语言和古典语言, 文学, 历史, 哲学, 政治科学, or sociology — just to name a few — the college has a place for you.


College of Natural Resources and Environment

College of Natural Resources and Environment is the only college specializing in natural resource education, re搜索, and outreach in Virginia.

Building on 弗吉尼亚理工大学’s existing strengths to lead the way in environmental and natural resources science, the college develops graduates who can discover and share the knowledge needed to sustainably manage Earth’s resources for future generations.



发现, 理解, and apply fundamental scientific principles to pursue questions beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines and established knowledge. With hands-on learning in classrooms and labs, the 理学院 promotes healthy people, 强大的社区, 一个可持续发展的星球.

有10个学位课程, 包括化学, 经济学, 地球科学, 综合科学, 微生物学, 数学, 物理, 心理学, 统计数据, 和神经科学, the 理学院 prepares the collaborative, free-thinking scientists that the 21st century demands.



每个人都在寻找伟大的领导者. 的 弗吉尼亚理工学院学员团 存在是为了培育和创造他们.

A significant part of the university since it began in 1872, the 学生军团 is a world-class leadership development program, with graduates going on to distinguished careers in the U.S. military and fulfilling roles in the public and private sectors.



弗吉尼亚理工荣誉学院 inspires and facilitates an extraordinary undergraduate education for students with exceptional motivation and ability.

For students who seek to be active learners and to apply their knowledge and skills to critical, 现实问题, the 荣誉学院 provides challenges and opportunities rooted in meaningful relationships with faculty, 自主学习, 本科研究, place-based and problem-focused experiences, and intellectual engagement in global contexts.


Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine

成立于1978年 Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine is a leading biomedical teaching and re搜索 center and the in-state veterinary college for residents of Virginia and Maryland.

Powered by a mission to protect and enhance animal, 人类, 环境健康和福利, the College of Veterinary Medicine trains and develops leaders in veterinary medicine, 公共卫生, 以及生物医学和兽医科学.

Medical students standing over an Anatomage Table.


As a unique public-private partnership, the 弗吉尼亚理工大学卡里翁医学院 was established in 2007 to leverage 弗吉尼亚理工大学’s outstanding strength in basic sciences, 生物信息学, and engineering alongside Carilion Clinic’s highly experienced medical staff and rich 历史 in medical education.

Focused on educating today’s physician while conducting today’s re搜索, the 弗吉尼亚理工大学卡里翁医学院 produces graduates who lead the way in the business of improving 人类 health and the quality of life for all people.